Sacred Holidays
Origine is the ideal place to offer yourself a sacred holiday where you can spend days dedicated to self listening, to come back to yourself, immersed in your own nature and in the surrounding one. A place where to meet again your sacredness, to realign yourself with your awarness, to bring love and peace where there is pain, to open up yourself to your task and to new visions and to let your next steps emerge. The energy of this kind of stay invites to go out from the daily routine, to stop, to consciously get into connection with our own soul, with the life that surrounds us, with dimensions to which we are perhaps not used to relating with.
I welcome you, without judgment, exactly at the point you are in your life and with what motivates you right now to live this experience. I accompany you, through a personalized path and your individual rhythm, to find a deeper level of your perception, unlock your power, free your knowledge and your talents, trust your intuition, to love yourself with joy.

One person, a couple, a pregnant woman or with the wish to be pregnant, a new-mom, a young family, a teenager
A turning point in your relationship, a baby-wish, the call to deeply dedicate yourself to the forthcoming birth, just had a newborn, shortly adopted a baby, the need to re-elaborate your childbirth, difficulties in peacefully assume your parent role, had a baby-loss in pregnancy – during birth – after few weeks of life, confused ideas regarding your life, a situation to unblock, a inner request to deal with your imminent death

Dive deeper into your potential
Celebrate the relationship with yourself and the other
Listen and honor your body
Meet from heart to heart yourself, your partner, your baby
Identify your life task and live your talents
Discover something new about yourself and your life
Fully live your life, not the one of someone else or of your ancestors
Reconcile your inner world with your outer life
Improve your perception and follow your inner guidance
Recognize and walk your path’s next step
Love yourself
Find your place
Develop and realize your vision
Recognize critical points as opportunities and consciously solve them
Integrate new aspects of communication: listen to inner voice, give space to intuition, allow the divine to speak, be authentic

I customize it for you.
Every day will be marked by moments of work together, free moments of integration, moments of sharing and others of silence, well-being moments, by rituals and ceremonies and by all what your soul has planned for you.
Write me what motivate you to live this experience and send me your wishing list.
We set a skype call to discuss it together.
After that I will let you know duration and cost of your personalized holiday.

Clarissa Semini
Sacred Seeds

© Clarissa Semini