A crucial grounding and bonding time that, here by Sacred Seeds, we consider extremely sacred, too much minimized and neglected.
You have just travelled ten moons along
come here and rest
listen to your child’s soul song
while your body reassests
while your family enjoy a new breathing
your initiation is still accomplishing
don’t rush as a storm
new life is still being born
Post-partum is the period after birth and embodies the same sacredness as birth does. Ancient traditions and more recent studies have shown how vital for women is, in the very vulnerable puerperium time, a significant period of rest surrounded by a safe, supportive and caring environment.
The woman’s body has gone through an extraordinary stretch and is still weak and unstable. It takes time and attentiveness for ligaments and organs to return as much as possible to pre-pregnancy shape and position. The woman who has recently given birth, lives an extremely delicate period, of great transformations and adjustments, both physical and psychic. Old memories recorded in the deepness of the cells could emerge to finally be freed. The term itself, puerperium, considers the personal, social and even anthropological aspects of this special period, directly implying all that galaxy of cures, tenderness and apprehensions that pervades it.
The woman can be helped to find her own path as a new mother, in this new stage of her life.
Also the man is living his personal challenging transition into fatherhood. He needs time to know the baby as well and to gently enter in his new role as father but also regarding the relationship with his partner.
The baby has traveled from the light to the earth and the Soul must slowly accustom to have a physical body.
The family can now start to understand who their child really is, what its soul qualities look like.
∗ The baby is no longer wrapped in the protective womb. There are sounds, smells, lights, touches, heat, cold, breathing, organs begin to function autonomously … and the memory of its origin … so many things all together.
∗ You became a mother (no matter how many times you gave birth already), your physical and energetical bodies have to regenerate after a deep opening that allowed a human being to travel to earth. Now is the time to encounter the baby, imagined for nine months, and also learn to know and recognize the newborn. It’s the time to lean on your own ancestral wisdom and to weave a new balance between all family members.
∗ You became a father, that presence who you tried to feel through the belly of your partner, is now a real person, with a new language to learn as much as taking care of your partner in a new way.
It is important to give time, time that follows the rhythm and the needs of the baby and the woman’s body rhythm that keeps its natural process of adaptation, to allow all this to happen in a harmonious, respectful and undisturbed way.
This first period is the ground on which growth and parenthood can happen.
Taking care of it means to have a healthy and strong soil on which to walk and sow.
Milkmoon stay
the conscious and sacred choice for parents whom don’t follow a trend rather their inner voice
During your Milkmoon at the Centro Origine, we create together and for each of you, a gentle and gradual passage from the womb to the Earth and from couple to family, rather than sudden and stressful.
You deserve it … and your baby too!
Gift yourself and your family this sacred time
celebrate together this love journey from the Origin into the Earth
let the energy of this new time of your life
embrace each one of you
and your new role and place will naturally and respectfully unfold
You will benefit of:
- Relaxing massages for the mother
- Energetic and chakra balance for mother and father
- Guidance and tools to find steadiness, peace and trust inside yourself
- Midwife’s visits
- Efficient and lovely cares
- Breastfeeding support
- The beauty of Nature to recharge and connect to yourself, your love and your baby
- Healthy and nourishing meals
- A cozy space to embrace your needs and emotions
- Integration of the birth experience for the parents
- Integration of the birth experience for the baby
- Baby’s welcome and blessings ceremony
Extra on demand: vaginal steams, cesarean scar harmonization, closing ritual, infant massage lessons, babywearing and washable diapers consultations. If you have any other wishes or requirements please do not hesitate to ask.
For whom
- Ideally the Milkmoon stay is thought to be for the mother, the father and the newborn.
- If the father, for any reason, cannot participate, please don’t renounce to come.
Once back home, you will share with him the precious moments you have experienced and you will be able to enrich your relationship and also accompany him along his bonding with the baby.
He will absolutely benefits through you!
- If you have other children, please organize a “grandparents’s holiday” for them.
It will be fun and exciting for them to spend few days with the grandparents (or with close relatives/family friends).I invite you to not consider this as denying time to them or arousing any kind of jealousy among siblings.
Quite the opposite!
The deeper you enter into the knowing of your new baby and of your new being as mom/dad and woman/man, the easier you will also watch, with a new gaze, at your other children.
This will open the path, for the whole family, to weave strong and authentic connections and recognizing every member for who she/he really is.
For when and how long
During the period of time that goes since when you leave the birth house or the hospital till when your baby will be 40 days old.
The 40 days after giving birth are those that make mum, dad and child grow for the next 40 years.
Nadine Richardson
From a min. of 4 nights till one week is the optimal duration to fully benefit of this precious time.
We are culturally driven and conditioned to incorporate our babies as quickly as possible with the rest of the world and return quickly to life before … without considering the delicacy of a soul adapting to a body, of a body starting to function and of a woman and a men stepping into parenthood!
It is also a crucial moment for the bond between mother/father and child, during which the baby is helped to adapt to the world in which he now lives. The child needs to be kept in an environment similar to the womb and not be over stimulated.
Pretending to go back to life as before birth is a dangerous illusion, your life is not the same as before!
You are not the same as before and you need time, calmness, cares and a safe environment to discover and meet the new You and your new Baby.
Last but not least, the Milkmoon stay has an important effect in preventig postpartum depression.
Clarissa Semini
© Clarissa Semini