Communication from Heart to Heart
In the daily life, however, it is difficult to listen to and follow our intuition, our inner voice. Influences and information from outside, expectations, desires, needs, etc. make us insecure, they distract us in communicating with our children and dampen our perception. So the delicate inner messages of children must go through a continuous shouting and fail to, or only weakly, reach us. Through a conscious inner communication, a deep understanding of the nature of the child can happen. Qualities and potentials that the soul of the child wants to develop in the course of its life can be recognized. The child’s behavior can easily be understood from a different point of view, so that you can more easily understand why your child behaves in a certain way. Children thus become more balanced and cheerful and joy and harmony expand in the family’s daily life. Growing up, they develop self-confidence and this helps them to experience inner security and stability.
This process starts as early as during pregnancy. The sooner we take care of this seed, the better it will develop in the later stages and challenges of life.
Topics and objectives
Let love flow
Love has many gifts ready for us.
Establish and maintain contact with the child
Find inner peace
Listen to what she/he really wants to say
The child feels understood, it had a growing sense of confidence in his own qualities and talents.
If necessary, act or respond
In the everyday life
Another gift of this course is the recognition of the essence of the person.
In contact with the soul of the child, adults and children learn to know each other in a new way. We recognize the essence with its gifts and its tasks.
The conscious communication may start at any stage of life.

Clarissa Semini

© Clarissa Semini