A time that, here by Sacred Seeds, we consider extremely sacred, with an enormous, and too often underestimated, potential.
Ten Moons
to fully meet yourself
to fully open to the magnificence of life
to fully receive the gifts of birth
to fully welcome a new Soul on Earth
Walking together with me along your TEN MOONS PATH, you will become aware that all you need to consciously and joyfully give birth is already available inside you and that you can constantly nourish and empower yourself through visible and invisible sources which are inside and around you.
The Sacred Seeds Birth Accompaniment:
- combines physiology and spirituality
- brings back sacredness to this powerful, unique and unforgettable event that deserves to be accompanied with love in an ongoing one to one relationship
- pays attention to the journey of incarnation that is happening
- accompanies you to listen to yourself and to trust your intuitions
- opens the doors to the subtle world and connects to the whole and to nature
- strengthens your relationship and communication with your baby
- guides you to regain the access to your divine nature, in an intimate dialogue between heaven and earth, soul and body
If you educate a man you educate an individual,
but if you educate a woman you educate a family (nation).
African Proverb

This accompaniment helps you to strengthen
your own power and your own intuition in order to have
a good connection to yourself and to your child
In pregnancy the woman lives small and large trials of self-confidence:
what is good for me and my baby?
Where and how would I like to give birth?
Who should accompany me/us?
It is a relief to know from the beginning to be able to recognize the own inner voice, listen to it and trust it. Along the way, the mother builds a conscious and deep contact to the child. The encounter with its soul can touch the parents deeply and, in return, can open marvellous doors to their soul. Deeper becomes the contact, fewer the emotions can interfere in the relationship between the parents and the child after birth. The relationship remains intact and stable despite the challenges that sometimes arise in the everyday life.
From the spiritual point of view, children who come on earth are souls who, from the consciousness of light, from the unity with the spiritual world, come to live on earth. At birth, the light of the child’s soul is linked to the physical body.
From the first moment all qualities and potentials are visible in the child’s light.
All the forces of heaven and earth
work together to give birth to new lives.
Sita Kleinert
Accompaniments Options to
deepen the contact with yourself and your baby,
live pregnancy, childbirth and maternity with greater awareness,
connect with your inner strength and knowledge,
reinforce your intuitions and your trust in them so that you can follow YOUR way along this precious and unique journey.
Information about the physiology of childbirth and how to facilitate it, will complement this inner path.
5 moons
- get-to-know-you phone or skype call
- 4 meetings devoted to: – physiology (phases of birth, hormones, what facilitates what inhibits, etc.) – positions – breath and sound – birth intentions + spiritual birth accompaniment intuitively adapted to you and your baby and the priorities for both – release of any blocks/memories – meditations and visualizations – mudras – rituals – etc.
- 1 postpartum meeting
10 moons
- get-to-know-you phone or skype call
- 8 meetings devoted to: – physiology (phases of birth, hormones, what facilitates what inhibits, etc.) – positions – breath and sound – birth intentions + spiritual birth accompaniment intuitively adapted to you and your baby and the priorities for both – release of any blocks/memories – meditations and visualizations – mudras – rituals – etc.
- 2 postpartum meetings
to deeply dive
into your journey of becoming
mother and father
to deeply dive
into the journey of becoming
a child
Stay till max. 7 days.
Around the 35th and 38th week of pregnancy.
Scroll down
Every mother and every child have a common path. I support and accompany you to find your way, following the flow of your love.
babymoon stay
the responsible and sacred choice
for parents whom don’t follow a trend rather their inner voice

you deserve it … and your baby too!
During the Babymoon stay at the Centro Origine, reclaiming and refreshing your union and opening to meet the baby who’s arriving, you consciously move your steps into parenthood.
You honor your transition from couple to family, from woman/man to mother/father (no matter how many children you may already have).
You will benefit of:
- Cozy space to embrace your needs and emotions
- Healthy and nourishing meals
- The beauty of Nature to recharge and re-connect with yourself, your love and the baby

- Tips for a physiological and sacred birth
- Guidance to elaborate your birth plan/intention list
- Postpartum and Breastfeeding’s support information
- Relaxing massages for the mother
- Energetic and chakra balance for mother and father
- Guidance and tools to find steadiness, peace and trust inside yourself

- Alignment with the natural cycle of life
- Re-discovery of your inner wisdom and power
- Birth blessings ceremony
Extra on demand: midwife’s visit, previous cesarean’s scar harmonization, infant massage lessons, babywearing and washable diapers consultations. If you have any other wishes or requirements please do not hesitate to ask.
For whom
- Ideally thought to be for the couple waiting for a new baby.
- If you are an adoptive/adopter couple, you are also VERY welcome! All the benefits of this stay are meant to be for you as well and we will shape your stay on your specific needs.
- If you are a single mom, please don’t renounce to come!
We will shape your stay on your needs so that you will experience a very special time connecting with your baby and your inner power. If you have a very close friend/relative whom you know will be with you during birth and postpartum, you could consider coming together (by previous agreement with me).
- If you have other children, please organize a “grandparents’s holiday” for them.
It will be fun and exciting for them to spend few days with the grandparents (or with close relatives/family friends).
I invite you to not consider this as denying time to them or arousing any kind of jealousy among siblings.
Quite the opposite!
The deeper you enter into the knowing of your new baby and of your new You, the easier you will also watch, with a new gaze, at your other children. This will open the path, for the whole family, to weave strong and authentic connections and recognizing every member for who she/he really is.
To change the world, we must first change the way the babies are being born.
Dr. Michel Odent

Clarissa Semini

© Clarissa Semini