massaggio rilassante in gravidanza
massaggio rilassante in gravidanza

Originally You

Mentoring with Clarissa


Are you wondering how to bring your uniqueness in your life and business?

Are you longing to know what makes you unique and will unfold the purpose of your life?


There are so many strategies, advices, books where to dive into instructions about how to be a good parent and/or partner, how to lead your business and/or relationship, how to be successful, but in fact …


Whether, along your life, you have gathered many information through studies, researches and experiences
but you feel like a piece is still missing somewhere …
the good news is that, that piece


This path of self mastery and empowerment will allow you to connect all your experiences and give them your personal Soulprint. You will finally encounter your own answers and your purest joy will flow free into your own life, privately and professionally.

In my mentoring program we will start exactly where you are in that specific time of your life.
We will dive deep inside your inner field where dwell longings, sadness, unsatisfaction, the pain you are experiencing and which are inviting you to listen to your Soul story to bring peace, healing and unfold the treasure you are shielding: your uniqueness.
Through my presence, Nature, silence and much more, you will listen to what your Soul have to tell you.

Don’t fear to get lost among the trails of this journey because I will guide you.
Earth will accompany you and you’ll have access to her medicine. We will illuminate your steps and your intuitions.
I will give you tools and inspiration to link your dots together, to create connections where they are missing.
I will hold tight the light for you so that you can clearly see your way, securely walk and discover the qualities that makes you the unique being you are and how to bring them into your life.


Short get-to-know free call to know eachother and ask some questions.

You will then get from me a mentoring proposal with duration, frequency and cost.

After having definitively confirmed your attendance, you will receive a questionnaire to fill up and return me.

Start Meeting, in person at the Centro Origine in Mesocco or online, during which to set and clear intents and open the working Space.

The following meetings can take place, alternatively and/or depending on the need, both online and in person.
There is the possibility of condensing the work in person during a stay of 2 or 3 days at the Centro Origine (costs to be adapted to the type of stay).

Topics and Objectives:

Recognize and meet Who you really are and, consequently, also the other (children, partners, clients / patients, …).

Receive guidance to understand your inner world: your story, your vision, your wisdom, your intuition.

Time of inner research to recognize your qualities and bring them out.

In case of a mentoring dedicated to parenthood, understand what your child is communicating to you on a deeper level.

Give birth to your talents and accompany those of others to birth.

Walk in the world your authentic path and accompany the one of your child, of your customers/patients, of those who turn to you in general.

Every path is individually and personally shaped on the person requesting it!

Are you searching for your super power and magic solution somewhere out there?

Stop going so far from you! Stop making it so complicated!

Listen to your inner call: inside of it you will find what you are looking and longing for.

Sacred Seeds

© Clarissa Semini