Body & Soul Treatments
It has a harmonizing effect on the child and the mother, and it supports the energy flow and the light supply.
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The skilful hand contact on the body, with slow relaxing movements, combined with the power and the scent of essential oils doTERRA, pure and of therapeutic grade guaranteed.
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Every birth is a passage from the spiritual world to the earthly world. It may be that the soul experiences this passage, in the actual lifetime or in past lives, as a separation, as a trauma.
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A scar leaves physical, emotional and energy footprints. From the physical point of view, adhesions, more or less profound, impose restrictions on tissue, the bowels and joint movements.
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Baby Massage accompanies children in their growth from the earliest moments of life on. This ancient art recreates the same situations for the baby experienced in the womb, which he still deeply needs for his development.
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Clarissa Semini

© Clarissa Semini