Body & Soul Treatments
Body & Soul Treatments

Body & Soul Treatments

Read more about meridian and chakra balancing ...
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It has a harmonizing effect on the child and the mother, and it supports the energy flow and the light supply.

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In preparation for childbirth, at any stage after birth and when necessary to harmonize the connection between body and soul, it helps to balance the energies and to regain strength.
Read more about the pregnancy relaxing massage ...
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The skilful hand contact on the body, with slow relaxing movements, combined with the power and the scent of essential oils doTERRA, pure and of therapeutic grade guaranteed.

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The massage is an experience that blends quality of contact, energy exchange, power of communication between body and soul. The massage during pregnancy favors the needs of the future mother’s body during the various stages preceding childbirth and not only in the presence of joint disorders. It deeply relaxes muscles and joints, improves circulation, tones the body and invigorates both physically and mentally. The physical benefits also include reduction of hormonal and physical stress linked to the transformation of the female body during pregnancy and, not least, it creates a state of trust and a new quality of emotions. Listening to what your body and soul need most at that moment, the essential oil (suitable to the prenatal period) is choosen. Diluted in carrier oil (coconut or almonds) it is distributed where most needed.
Read more about birth trauma release ...
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Every birth is a passage from the spiritual world to the earthly world. It may be that the soul experiences this passage, in the actual lifetime or in past lives, as a separation, as a trauma.

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This might have an effect on the individual vertebra of our spine, interfering with the flow of vital energy in these areas and results in a variety of physical and emotional symptoms. Through the gentle treatment of each vertebra we invite the soul to connect more and more with the body. Healing, reconciliation and peace can happen. The Birth Trauma Release is suitable for both children and adults. It is especially recommended for women and their partners during the prenatal period. This treatment is indeed a wonderful preparation for pregnancy and childbirth but also for conception. For the post-treatment you will receive the energetic essence Star of Bethlehem. This essence supports healing and reconciliation.
Read more about birth trauma release ...
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Freedom between body and emotions

Create new relationships between body and past, present and future emotions.

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Read more about scar reharmonization ...
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A scar leaves physical, emotional and energy footprints. From the physical point of view, adhesions, more or less profound, impose restrictions on tissue, the bowels and joint movements.

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From the emotional point of view, the scar keeps the memory of the traumatic event, of a surgical experience and of the process of scarring. From the energy point of view, it can be said that escape doors are created between the inside and the outside of the body. An untreated scar leads to fragility, fatigability and an energy imbalance and can cause disease and/or emotional blocks in the following years. The scar reharmonization is useful for all types of scars: surgery, wounds, burns, etc. Scars also can block the craniosacral flow, foster joint pain, visceral disorder and emotional blocks. The cesarean scar witnesses the interruption of the most intimate and sacred physiological process: giving birth. This experience leaves a trace in the mother, in in the child and in their relationship. Taking care of the scar means to take care about all of this.
Read more about baby massage ...
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Baby Massage accompanies children in their growth from the earliest moments of life on. This ancient art recreates the same situations for the baby experienced in the womb, which he still deeply needs for his development.

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The baby massage represents a communication channel made of loving gestures. Among the countless benefits, there is for example the growth of mutual understanding, thus promoting a relationship with solid foundations such as love, empathy, interaction, patience, presence and respect. You can learn the infant massage in a group of max 6 participants or privately.
Sacred Seeds

© Clarissa Semini